Miscellaneous Pictures  

So far, I've divided my pictures into only a few categories. The pictures found here either don't fit those categories or I don't realize that they do. Since I am a beginner at microscopy, identifications of the various items I come across should be regarded as tentative and checked against other sources. The pictures are available by clicking on the descriptions, this to minimize bandwidth for those who arrive here by accident.

Asterionella is a diatom which I find only occasionally. This is the nicest example I've seen so far.

Cyclops is a fair size copepod (25u/small division), about 1mm

Daphnia is also known as a water flea. This little guy looks like a fat humming bird.

A Diatom, included here because I happened to get it focused well enough to show detail.

Flatworm, note the two eyespots near the front. These cute little fellers act like miniature dolphins.

Another flatworm. The lengthwise mouth is visible beginning between the eyes; mouth is on bottom, eyes are on top but both show because it is semi-transparent.

Filamentary type algae, in polarized light. These look like a freeway at night. Some of the protists moving about nearby produce flashes like tiny emergency vehicles due to this polarized light.

Grape Ivy stem cross section, polarized light

Hemlock elongate scale shown on a needle from the tree. Unchecked, these insects can kill a tree in a few years.

Hydra with two buds, one of which shows nicely. Taken with stereo scope, not Balplan

Naupilus Note the red eye spot. Hard to photograph because they are big, fast, and seldom rest. Darkfield

Pine pollen is surprisingly common in ponds in warm weather, apparently pines produce enormous amounts of pollen. Looks like a Mouseketeer hat to Disney fans.

Large spider with the typical 8 eyes.

Spider closeup showing the eyes in 2 rows with 4 eyes per row

Surirella diatom

Surirella reproducing, note the two cells joined fore and aft

Spirogyra, a common algae

Unknown, a very attractive blueish green which doesn't show well in the picture

Unknown blob in brightfield

Same blob in polarized light. Many of these appeared in late summer, they don't move. No clue what they are or whether they're alive.

Volvox algae plus a ciliate splitting and a rotifer at upper left. Darkfield lighting provides nice colors at lower powers; I need to find a special condenser for my Balplan to allow DF at higher powers. Like many things seen through a scope, this was mysterious -- there were thousands of volvox, all traveling toward one spot so I took a picture of the spot. Don't know what causes a volvox convention nor how they decide to go to it, after all they're plants. Things often seem peculiar to me at the microscopic scale where plants can move and some animals grow roots...

This page was   by John Moran, resident Balplan Mechanic and XHTML tweaker.

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