About My Balplan Microscope Web Site  


Most pages (eventually, all pages) and all documents included on this site have been checked using the WDG HTML Validator web utility to verify conformance to XHTML or the HTML 4.01 Transitional standard. Therefore, this site and its contents should render well with most browsers; in particular this site renders properly with Firefox.

The Balplanman HOME page uses small pictures and minimal text so it should load rapidly. Pages beyond the HOME page use more graphics so load time may be slightly longer for subsequent pages.

>WebsByMegan did the initial site development in 2002 with FrontPage which produced a verbose rendition in HTML4. Support and expansion is my own using Arachnophilia, but the complete Balplanman site has not (yet) been converted to XHTML (the natural version of HTML for Arachnophilia). I maintain most of the site in XHTML because it has a rigorous, regular structure making it easier for me to understand and remember. HTML4 has many idiosyncracies so browsers didn't all render HTML4 the same. Unfortunately, HTML5 has lost some of the rigor built into XHTML so I expect to stay with XHTML.

Javascript is used to automatically display the date/time of the most recent update to a page. I have included this script on most pages so if you have Java turned off for security reasons the update info may be missing. This script is included near the bottom of this page so you can see if it works for you.

If you have a comment on my site or its contents, click here.

This page was   by John Moran, resident Balplan Mechanic and HTML tweaker.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict